1. kowtow to ::
ad kowtow
2. submit to ::
ad submittere
3. defer to ::
honores vultum potentis
4. yield to ::
est cedere
5. back down to ::
ad tergum
6. bow and scrape to ::
et arcum, et effossa
7. be obsequious to ::
et ad obsequium parati
8. be subordinate to ::
et vos subditi sitis
9. pander to ::
10. toady to ::
amoenus oneravit dies
11. prostrate oneself to ::
prosternat se
12. grovel to ::
et ruerunt
13. dance attendance on ::
chorus ministerio
14. curry favor with ::
gratiam conciliandam
15. ingratiate oneself with ::
gratiam se apud
16. suck up to ::
ut lambent
17. crawl to ::
ut nudas
18. lick the boots of ::
in tabernus a Lick
19. trundle bed ::
Writers lectulo
20. trundle ::
21. truckle bed ::
lecto sponda